The Power of Integrity

Over my many years in the Air Force and as a business owner I have noticed

that the most respected people were the people that acted with integrity.


These were people that you could count on. They were disciplined and successful,

the inside matches the outside, and they are who they say they are.

They mean what they say and say what they mean.


You may not always agree with them but you know who they are

and what they stand for. Working with people with integrity

is less stressful and more productive.


Because of the way they are, they progress faster in life. They attract

the right people into their life and reach their goals quicker.


With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide.

With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt. –Zig Ziglar


Do you remember when you were a child, you parents probably told you

not to lie, to be honest, etc. They may have also told you not to smoke or drink.


But what happened if by any chance they were themselves smoking or drinking

they probably confused you and have lost your respect. You might have been

wondering what should I do? They do it but tell me not to.


Children typically do what parents do regardless of what they say. Hopefully

your words matched your actions. The best way to teach our children

is to be a great role model.


Do you think that our ACTIONS always speak louder than our WORDS?


Living with integrity is life transforming. I encourage you to try it, start with

being completely honest with yourself and everyone else around you.


When the interior matches the exterior, you have alignment. You will

once again take charge of your life and be more powerful than ever.


There is true power in the integrity of your words and actions. It is

an amazing long term habit to develop and maintain.


Integrity is making sure that the things you say and

the things you do are in alignment. – Katrina Mayer


It is very tempting to take shortcuts, lie and manipulate to get what we want.

It seems easy and without much consequences.


Integrity is doing the right thing. Even when no one is watching. –C.S. Lewis


How can you be happy constantly manipulating people and circumstances

to reach your short term goals? You feel crappy inside even if you were successful.


These short term gains lead to long term pains and lost opportunities

to develop real talent, character and build a meaningful life.


Success without integrity is failure. -Anonymous


Don’t you want to be happy? Yes right, then be yourself, be truthful, and act with integrity.


There real power is knowing who you are and what you want. Ask for what

you need, don’t be afraid to speak up, collaborate with others and watch

how good you feel and how your life changes.


This is one of my favorite’s books of all times. The four agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz

I know it will help you be truth to yourself and live with integrity like it help me.


We will talk about one of The Four Agreements

The First agreement is Be Impeccable with your Word:

  • Speak with integrity.
  • Say only what you mean.
  • Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.
  • Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.


Make sure that your actions and behaviors live up to reflect the words and ideas,

promises and commitments that come out of your mouth. –Steve Farber



Best regards,


Yvon Noël

Certified High Performance Coach