Why We Don't Stick To Our Goals


A goal is a dream with a deadline. Napoleon Hill


There are many reasons why we don’t stick to our goals.

Here are a few of them.


We Under Estimate How Important Setting Up Goals Is


For some of us goals are a source of entertainment. We set them up around New Year and forget about them a few weeks later. It is a bit of a game. We don’t take setting goals seriously.

We either pick superficial goals or goals that are not truly important to us. This is a huge mistake. Taking the time to figure out ours goals is very important. Figure out who you want to be, do and have.

Do you want to be happy, healthy, successful, and wealthy, have great relationships, be an amazing parent, etc.? I think for most of us the answer would be YES to all of these questions. Pick your goals carefully and prioritize them.

People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. Earl Nightingale


We Are Not Honest With Ourselves

When was the last time you sat down and took the time to honestly assess where are you in your life right now?

  • Am I happy?
  • Am I healthy?
  • Do I have lots of energy?
  • How are my relationships?
  • Do I love the work that I do?
  • How is my financial situation?
  • Am I happy with the kind of person I am?

I bet if most of us were honest about our current situation we would be a lot more serious about setting up and achieving our goals.

If we maintain the illusion that everything is ok then we are not likely going to be motivated to set and pursue goals.

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint - Exupery 


Our Goals are not well defined

Not having well defined goals is like entering to the woods without a map. We don't know where our target is. We can’t figure out when and how to reach our goal. Be specific in your goals setting and setup a timeline.

For example: I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months.

We all have great potential, we can create the life of our dream but to achieve that we have to wake up to our full potential and use it. Part of that process is to set up meaningful goals for ourself.

A goal properly set is halfway reached. Zig Ziglar


We lack self-discipline!

If you don’t have enough self-discipline to change your habits or stick to your goals how will you achieve them? Self-discipline is essential.

Practice self-discipline often, the more self-discipline you exercise the easier it gets. You will be glad you did.

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. Bo Bennet


We get distracted

Most of us don’t manage our time well and don’t understand the importance of spending our time wisely and focusing on our priorities. Look at how many hours we spent watching TV or browsing on-line?

We often get distracted and lose our focus. Before we know it our opportunity to work on our goals is gone, we wasted all our time literally.

All of us have the same number of hours available per day. What we do with our time is crucial.


We Don’t Persevere

Most of us give up too easily, when it gets hard we quit before we reach our goals.

A big determinant of success is whether or not we will be persistent. Do not give up or stop until you reach your goal. Even if you get distracted or temporarily get off track get back to working on your goals, stay focused.


Because it is hard!

Most of us want an easy confortable life. Making changes is difficult. We are creatures of comfort and habit. We have to overcome that if we want to create our dream life.

Setting up clear goals early on and sticking to them is very important. No one ever gets anywhere or achieve anything without efforts.

We all can have the life of our dream and create a better version of ourself but to do so will require effort and focus.


If you do what is easy your life will be hard, if you do what is hard your life will be easy”. Les Brown


Best regards,


Yvon Noël

Certified High Performance Coach